We are pleased to announce the conducting of the 1st Fiber Optics Conference of Greece.

The event will be held on November 18, Saturday, at the Royal Olympic (Athanasiou Diakou 28-34 Athens).

We should mention that the program includes lectures, the topics of which are related to the fiber optic industry, such as splicing, measurements, blowing, setting up a new technical team, smart homes, fault management, etc. After the lectures, there will be a workshop at the sponsors' stands, so that the instruments and tools can be tested.

We are honored to have secured sponsorships from companies such as Acta, Combotech, Drys Techniki, Exceed Solutions, Giant, Κafkas, Kspec, 1Support, Redband, School of Telecoms, . Other companies in the field have also shown interest in sponsorship, which will be announced shortly.

-Participation in the Conference is by invitation from the sponsors and from the existing members. All registered members have the right to free entry.


Saturday 13th of May was a wonderful day for our Club! We had the pleasure, not only to meet our existing members from Thessaloniki, but also to meet many new ones! Thank you all for the warm welcome and we wish to be soon reunited!!!!


Οn Saturday 13/5 at 17:00, in the city of Thessaloniki, there will be a meeting of the Optical Fiber Association of Greece.
The above event is not only for our members, but also for non-registered people. We would like the presence of all colleagues from Northern Greece, so that you can get to know us and discuss all the issues, your concerns and your ideas.
The meeting will take place at Tender Cafe Bar Papanikolaou 1 Pefka Thessaloniki.

Tender Cafe Bar
231 058 2465

We will be glad to meet you all.


The cutting of the pie was conducted with great success and participation. The prize fell to Dimitris Efstratiadis, who won 100€. Special thanks to Giannis Katis, as he organized this event from his bed and we wish him a speedy recovery. We also thank HOM for the hospitality and the very good service. Unfortunately we had many absences, due to fiber cuts and other commitments. We will be back with new events, hopefully with the presence of everyone. We wish you a happy new year, always in good health.


We would like to inform you that on Sunday 19/2 the first cutting of the pie of the Optical Fiber Association of Greece has been organized. The event will be held at H.O.M. in the area of Kolonos in Athens.
